Thursday, September 25, 2008

Life at the Scroggins' house

This week has been very bust as usual. I have been busy with work, the end of the month is always busy for me. I have to shop and prepare for the next month. Ella is also extremely good to go to work with me and entertain herself while I work. The office ladies spoil her rotten. The three ladies that work in the church office are so good to the girls. One of the ladies is my best friend Brooke who the girls absolutely love. The other two ladies, Dee and Carolyn have grand kids around my kids age and they love being around the girls. This week I had some wonderful help and we cleaned out the preschool department and took so,e steps to help cut down on germs.
Emery Claire has been learning about apples this week at school. Today they wore pots on their heads like Johnny Appleseed. She is really loving school and learning so much. Thursday is her library day and today she checked out The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I was looking at the pictures on the way home and said to me" mom aren't Eric Carle books so pretty." She is such a big girl.
Ella is doing new things every day and talking up a storm. She is a very funny child. This morning when she woke up i went in to check on her and she had gotten out of the bed and was playing with the kitchen set. I picked her up and she said " get this baby some milk". I thought that was so funny. She is still doing great with the potty training.
Dave made it back from D.C. safe and had a really good trip. He is still loving his job. We are loving having him home in the evenings and on the weekends.
Well, that is what has happened in our world this week.