Thursday, October 2, 2008

Am I walking on Water or Sinking?

The passage in the bible where Peter walked on water was brought to my attention the other day. I started thinking about that passage and how Peter was able to walk on water until he took his eyes off Jesus, due to the distractions of the wind and the waves. I realized in my on life lately I have been very distracted by the wind and waves in my life. I know several month ago I could say that I was walking on water. My focus was truly on Christ. Over the past couple of weeks I have let the "waves" in my life distract me. Dave and I have been dealing with a situation over the past two weeks, that has become a big wave in my life. I feel like lately the waves of this situation have distracted me in my personal life and my job. Most of all I have let this cause me to take my eyes off of Christ and I am sinking. So, I am praying that I put on blinders so I am not focused on the wind and waves and keep my eyes on Jesus. I know the wind will still be there and some days blow even stronger, but my prayer is that I don't let it consume me. I feel like so many times we just show our kids and don't get below the surface. Today I was prompted to share what is truly on my heart.


TheCramblits said...

This was very inspiring because I think that we all get this way and sometimes it takes something like this to make us take a step back and evaluate our situation!