Saturday, April 12, 2008

Crazy Couple of Days

The past two days have been wild around our house. Friday morning Emery Claire woke up with a high fever. She ran a fever of around 104 all day yesterday and complained of a headache. We took her to the Dr. and the ran several test and could not figure out what was going on. The Dr. said that is could be one of several things. In his list was viral meningitis, which scared me to death. She was basically lifeless all day yesterday.Her fever broke around midnight last night. She has not ran a fever today. She has been sore from her shot and real weak.

Ella decided she was feeling a little left out so she called 911! The police did show up. Luckily it was an officer who we know very well. He was the one who came when I set the alarm of the church off at Ella's birthday party. So he gave the girls stickers, sat and talk for a few minutes , then went on his way.

Tomorrow I am helping give a shower for my Friend Blair, so I have been getting ready for that tonight. Due to Emery Claire being sick i did not get to go to work yesterday, so I had to go tonight to make sure that everything was ready for tomorrow. So now that I have made 50 blue Jello cups for our lesson on Jesus walking on the water I am going to bed.