Saturday, December 19, 2009

One of the best Birthday's ever

Yesterday I celebrated my 31st b-day. It was wonderful. I had gotten two of my gifts early this year. The one from my parents and my brother and his family. So, We have been celebrating since Thanksgiving. My parents kept the girls and Dave and I went with Brooke and John to Shogun for dinner. I love Shogun, but the girls don't like it so we never go. I got many b-day wishes via facebook. They all meant so much to me. I got many phone calls from my family and dear friends yesterday. We have a sweet lady in our church. Ms. Katie that calls everyone on their b-day. Our friends the Bryant's brought over some GiGi's cupcakes. YUMMMY!!!! Last night about 8:30 while Dave and I were out shopping I got a text from Brea' my friend since Kindergarten wishing me a happy b-day. That was very special to me. I also got a sweet email from one of our area principals, Mrs. Boone wishing me happy birthday. I realized that the sweet words and thoughtfulness are what really matters in life. I am very blessed to have amazing people in my life, both old and new.


Matt and Naomi O'Reilly said...

Glad you had a great birthday! You deserve it!! Love you!