Monday, November 24, 2008

I have alot to be Thankful for

This past week and weekend have been very busy. I have gotten so caught up in my business and in my self that I have lost sight of what all I have. So today as I ended my 24 hour pity party I started thinking about all that I have to bee thankful for. Yesterday my church delivered turkeys and groceries to 75 families who are in need. I had the pleasure to organize this project and talk to all of the families and make arrangements for the food to be delivered. As you can imagine that it took a long time. Now that the last bag has been delivered I have looked back on the project and realized no matter how tired I am and how upset I have gotten at little things over the past couple of days that this was a good thing and I am very lucky. So now that I have gotten a little off track here is a list of things I am thankful for. I encourage all of you just to at least make mental list of things that you are thankful for this Thanksgiving week.

  1. My relationship with Christ without Him I am nothing
  2. My husband- who is amazing
  3. Emery Claire- she is so funny and smart. She amazes me daily
  4. Ella- the sweetest thing I have ever met. Her excitement for life is contagious
  5. My parents- they are the most giving people
  6. My brother and sister in law- I am truly blessed to have such a great relationship with them
  7. My niece Olivia- she is so loving and and steals my heart every time I hear her laugh uncontrollably when she sees the girls
  8. Brooke- the greatest best friend a girl could have. She is the one who listens to my pity party or listens while I cry when I am way too stressed
  9. My job- even though sometimes it is hard, I know I am exactly where God wants me doing exactly what He has called me to do
  10. My extended family- I have wonderful aunts,uncles, and cousins who I adore
  11. Friends- I have wonderful friends who accept me as I am
  12. My health and the health of my family
  13. My church family- we are lucky to be in such a growing church
  14. My mother and Father in law- I am very thankful for the relationship that we have bulit lately
  15. There is lots more this was just a few of the things I am thankful for


Love my 2 BoYs! said...

Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Love to follow your blog :)